Welcome to the Musiverse

The world’s first gas-less blockchain powered music investment platform and app.


Listen to music anytime, anywhere, and without any interruptions from annoying adverts.

Invest in the artist you love, and help them grow.

Trade on your music rights portfolio through our dedicated music exchange, and make money.

Download the App

and get access to the

complete catalogue of music.

The Musiverse App is simple to use, and allows you to listen to the music you love from any internet connected device. The app is currently still in beta stage development, but we are accepting applications for beta testers to download and provide feedback.

Invest in the artists you love.

Our specially designed digital trading platform means that fans can invest in the songs, albums and artist they want to support. We utilize Blockchain technology in order to validate direct peer to peer transactions, with no banks, and no fees.

Fair Play, Fair Pay

Build your Musibyte portfolio.

Have you ever wanted to support the artist you love, but were worried about exactly how much of the money was actually going to the artist?

It is no secret that the mainstream music industry is heavily biased toward the Record Company rather than the creator of musical works. Often music contracts provide the Artist with less than 10% of the revenue collected. With managers and distributers claiming vast portions of these incomes, so they are able to dominate the industry through the vast amounts of wealth generated from these contract.

The Musiverse aims to shift this balance back in the favor of the artist, giving them greater control over their music, without the need to sign away their music rights, in order to promote and distribute their work.

The Muso Token and Musibyte

Music rights are traded within the Musiverse ecosystem using our special tokens called ‘the Muso’. These can purchased using PayPal, Credit/Debit Card, Bank Transfer, or using any Crypto Currency wallet.

Once users have charged their account with Muso tokens, they can use them to purchase shares in an artists listed musical rights. These shares a called ‘Musibytes’, which are directly linked to the length of music uploaded by the Artist.

This means that the number of Muso Tokens that can be minted is directly connected to number of Musibytes created, which in turn is limited by the total length of audio uploaded to the Musiverse. In this way the Muso becomes an ‘asset backed currency’, that sees the value of the Artist’s work as the substance that supports the value of the Muso token.

Music Asset Backed Currency

Each artist can decide the value of their shares for each uploaded track. Musibyte share prices above 1 Muso will reduce the overall supply of the Muso, whereas share prices under 1 Muso will increase it. This produces a financial ecosystem that is driven by the value of music, prescribed by every artist within the Musiverse, which decentralizes the money creation process.

This gives the Musiverse Trading Platform a robust structure that secures the value of the Muso token against the total value of music uploaded by the artist. This revolutionary concept is directly contrary to current fiat and crypto monetary policy and practices, that sees the control and minting of financial instrument purely at the discretion of a single token creator and distributor, or government, as is the case with traditional fiat currency systems.

The Musiverse Contract

For each track uploaded, fans can purchase up to 40% of the rights, whilst the Artist maintains 50%, which ensures they always maintains control over their work. The Musiverse holds 9% which is marked as a non-tradable asset. 4% of this is invested into the exchange, whilst the another 5% is held by the Musiverse. The final 1% is held by the artist under a special condition, which ensures they are the true owner of the uploaded work. Our ‘Artist Protection Scheme’ can take control of this in the event that there is a dispute about the ownership of a recorded work. In this way, the Musiverse can legitimately freeze trading on an account, should any dispute arise.

Standard Musiverse contracts are offered free of charge, and ensure that the Artists work remains under their control. The Musiverse phone app music player provides the perfect mechanism to distribute and deliver their music directly to their fans.

Musiverse contracts come in different flavors. Our free contracts are designed for unsigned solo artists and bands to receive an equal share of any Musibytes that are sold. Our Band wallets can hold collective incomes, which can be automatically distributed evenly to each band member. We also have special contracts for Record Label that offer a 20% Label to 80% artist split as standard.

We also have special custom contracts that can be modified to include bespoke clauses, and predefined splits should the Artist or Record Label require it.

Musiverse Smart Royalty Contracts

♫ Free Registration of Music
♫ Solo Artist and Band Contracts
♫ Record Label Contracts
♫ Custom Smart Royalty Contracts


Music Uploads

Whenever an Artist uploads music to the Musiverse, the track is encoded in a special way, that associates each Musibyte with a particular portion of the physical audio file. Each Musibyte is formed of a 16 bit section of audio. This means that for each minute of audio uploaded the Artist can sell around 200,000 Musibytes, which has a dollar value of $200,000, if sold at 1 Muso per Musibyte.

Easy Trading Technology

The Musiverse music app is fully integrated with our specially designed trading platform. This allows you to easily buy, sell, gift, and swap items in your portfolio with other Musiverse members in a completely friction-less way. With just a few simple clicks, fans can purchase Musibyte Rights and begin supporting the artist directly.

For Musicians

      Powered by musicians

The musician community of the Musiverse is the force that powers the Phone player app, Muso tokens, and Musbytes. Our blockchain based technology offers an interface where musicians are able to maintain control over the music they create, whilst selling a 40% portion of their Musibyte Shares.

Register your music

By registering their music on the Musiverse, a Artist can claim ownership over their work. They can determine the number of Musibyte shares they wish to release, and set the cost of each share. With just a few clicks, allocated Musibytes automatically become available for fans and investors to purchase. With our FREE Musiverse contracts, the artist automatically retains ownership, holding a 51% majority share. This means they can become their own record company, raising funds from their fan base, secured by Blockchain technology.

  Connect with Fans                     

As fans and investors purchase shares in a song or album with the Muso token, so liquidity is generated that is directly available to the artist.  Artists can exchange Musos into the currency of their choice with minimum transaction fees, which are determined by the payout gateway they decided to use.

Investors/fans can be communicated with through the platform, which helps musicians engage with and increase support for their music. They can also offer special Musibyte discounts and packages to produce incentives that can increase sales.

The Bigger Picture – Building real value

The current state of the global economy is a direct reflection of the fact that there is no substance backing the production of fiat currency. Current trends in the arbitrary pressing of Crytpocoins only exasperates the situation even more. The Musiverse ecosystem offers a hard solution to this fundamental problem. By backing the Muso against the length of creative works upload, we create a sustainable system of exchange. The real value of the Muso comes from the minds, talents, and creative works of the musician.

That is why we say, the Musiverse is Powered by Musicians.

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about the Musiverse, or are interested in registering for our beta testing program, then you can contact us using the form below.
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